Estimated Arrival Time / 到着予想日







From Naomi Smith, the secretary of Team Dream Weaver

Thank you everyone for your warm support. You probably know from their blog, that the Dream Weaver crew have been trying the best to approach to Iwaki Sun Marina in Onahama port, Fukushima. I would like to give you the rough time frame of EAT, for those wishing to come out to Onahama for their arrival.

It is between April 20th to 24th. Their weather advisor thinks, they can make 20th or even earlier. But the crew who have been having a hard time in rough seas and being forced to sail unfavorable direction from time to time, think it will take longer.

The local supporters are planing on holding a ceremony after their arrival in Onahama. It is going to be either the weekend of 20th and 21st, or 27th and 28th of April, so that their family, friends and supporters can attend to celebrate their achievement. The musician, Kuriyama-san who wrote a song for Dream Weaver is planing on performing at the ceremony. We would like people to sing the song together, so, you may want to practice with our YouTube video.

I will keep you updated for the future event!


This photo was sent from Doug this morning. The cabin got all messy…
Adress: Ohata-262 Izumimachi shimogawa, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8183


The marina was closed after the Great East Japan Earthquake. We got a special permission to use the limited area of this facility. Please corporate to keep us tidy and organized as much as possible. Thank you in advance!

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