Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より03.05.2019 Day 10



北緯22度03分 経度127度23分 東の風風速7メートル 

波60センチ ボードヘディング260度 船速7.4キロ 

朝、3時~6時のウォッチを終え、しばらくゆっくりした後コックピットでダグと話をしながら、あるいはコックピットの後ろのオーナーズチェアに座り、背中に朝日を受けながら、スターバックスコーヒーのスティックコーヒーを飲むのが、朝の楽しみです。 Keiさん、スタバのプレゼントありがとうございました。

ゆっくりコーヒーを飲んでいると、いろんな思いが表れてきます。 思いが表れるというより、メッセージが送られてくるといった方が近いかもしれません。 これらの内容については少しずつ、皆さんにも伝えていきます。


[My cup of morning coffee]

March 5th, 2 p.m. / March 6th 7 a.m. Japan Time, Day 10, Weather: Clear

22. 03 N 127.23 W, East wind, Wind speed: 7 meter

Wave hight: 60 cm, Course 260°, Boat speed: 7.4 km/h

After my mid-night watch between 3 to 6 a.m., I get to relax for a while. Then Doug and I stand at the cockpit or either sit at the owners chair located in the back of the cockpit where we get the sunrise light on the back. One of my favorite thing in the morning is to have a cup of coffee with Doug over some conversations. Thanks Kei for your Starbucks coffee sticks!

Many thoughts come out while I enjoy my cup. Maybe those are rather messages I am receiving. I would like to share them with you a little by little later this voyage.

It’ll take about two more days till we reach the trade wind area. Currently, very weak wind, but we will move forward somehow.

This image is for illustrative purposes.


2 thoughts on “Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より03.05.2019 Day 10

  1. So good to to read your Blog Hiro, praying for you both and of course for more wind. The Lord will get you there in His timing.
    Jack and Carina


  2. Hiro/Doug,
    Sounds like you are settling into a good routine. We wish we could be there to join in the “coffee club” conversation and relax moments. Seems you left at the perfect time as the cold and wet weather keeps hanging around San Diego these past days.
    All the best to you both!
    -Rob and Sandrine


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