Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より 04.19.2019, Day 54

4月19日 日本時間午前7時 54日目天気曇り

北緯35度55分 東経141度48分 南の風20ノット 

波2 M ヘディング310度 船速6.4ノット



この航海中、夕日を感じながら物思いにふけっていると、涙がポロポロポロポロ出てくることが多くありました。この綺麗な夕日を、見えない自分が悲しいのではなく、また、天草の白浜の夕日を見ていた子供の時代に戻りたいと思って、悲しくなっての涙でもありませんでした。今生きていることへの感謝、このようにしてダグと出会い、再チャレンジしている自分が幸せということを噛み締めての涙でした。 失明時、命を断っていればこのような素敵な人生は送れなかったのです。


皆様の周りにも、苦しんで悩んでいる人はいませんか? 是非、陽の光となり暗闇の中にいるその人たちを照らしてください。 良かったら私の本「見えないからこそ見えた光 絶望を希望に変える生き方」をプレゼントしていただけましたらありがたいです。そのような人たちを、少しでも減らしたいと思い、書かせていただいた本です。 遅くても明日には着岸できます。最後の最後まで気を抜かず頑張っていきます。

April 19th, 7 a.m., JST, Day 54, Weather: Clear

35.55 N 141.48 E, South 20 kts. wind,

Wave hight: 2 meter, Course: 310, Boat speed 6.4 kts.

[ We can re-challenge anything, as long as we are alive ]

Yesterday we struggled against the current. It was pushing us at 3 to 4knots, making our speed drop down to half. We were supposed to arrive on the 19th… Sailing is not only affected by the wind but but the currents and tides. We have 70miles left. I wish we can get there quicker.

On this , I often found myself tearing up and crying as I feel the sunset. It’s not that I’m sad that I cannot see this beautiful sunset. It’s not that I’m crying because I want to go back to my childhood in Amakusa when I could see the sunset. It’s tears of happiness that I am alive today, that I could meet Doug and attempt this voyage again. If I had taken my life when I went completely blind, I would not have had the chance to live this wonderful life.

And if I had decided to call it quit after our failed attempt in 2013, I would not have had the chance to try again with Doug and experience this wonderful voyage. I am grateful of the challenges I can take on because I am alive.

Maybe there are people around you who are suffering the way that I once did. Please help them see the light in the darkness. My book, “The Light I Could See Because I Cannot See”, (only available in Japanese at the moment) explores my struggles and how I found the light. Please share this with people around you who may be suffering. I hope this can make a little bit of a difference. We will arrive in Onahama tomorrow. I will keep my senses sharp until the very end.

15 thoughts on “Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より 04.19.2019, Day 54

  1. You words are beautiful Hiro are a very special person. “Keep on sailing…. You are almost there….your dream come true 👍👍👍⛵️⛵️⛵️


  2. Hiro and Doug – congratulations on a job well done. Everyone around the world, even though they can’t be literally there, who has been following you, will be cheering today in their own parts of the world. I will be one of them.

    I am so happy for you, but sad that I will no longer have your blogs to look forward to each morning, They have been so inspiring. You have experienced blind – more than I have with sight,

    Again, Congratulations to Dream Weaver and the DYNAMIC DUO crew for staying strong and completing their Voyage of Inspiration. Love and Admiration to both of you.💕💕💕


  3. Hiro and Doug,

    All of us at CAF have been following your journey and are so excited that you are so close to realizing your dream. You are the embodiment of the CAF mission. Thank you!

    We look forward to celebrating with you when you are back in the US.

    Heidi and Team CAF


  4. Dream Team weavers,
    We are both teary eyed here seeing that you are so close now, and knowing such an epic achievement will soon be completed by two of the worlds finest. Surely you can smell the land now, and will be standing on stable terra firma very soon!
    May the wind gently deliver you to destinies harbor.
    Calins et Bisous,
    Rob and Sandrine


  5. oh my gosh you are almost there !!! You did it!!! You and Doug have shown such faith, courage, determination and hope – it’s been amazing getting to track and cheer you on!! I am so glad for your safe crossing! Thank you Pacific Ocean!


  6. Congratulations Hiro and Doug!!
    I’m so happy for you.
    You never gave up, even though the light went out for you.
    You’re truly an inspiration for many people, that’s for sure.

    All the best for both of you.

    Lots of love
    Priscilla from The Netherlands 🙂


  7. Congratulations Hiro-san and Doug-san,
    Praise the Lord for his watch care over you during your many days on the ocean. What a gracious god we love and serve. May He continue to bless you both. Kudos to your wives and families for supporting you as well.
    Omedetoo gozaimasu!
    The Woo Bunch


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