Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より 03.20.2019, Day 24

3月20日 日本時間7時 24日目 天気晴れ 

北緯15度 7分 西経159度 東の風8 メートル 

波2 メートル ヘディング281度 船速6ノット





でもふと思いました。この海には魚がいるんだろうなぁ。マグロ漁船が赤道まで南下すると聞いたことがあります。もしかして、マグロがこの下に…。寿司が食べたくなりました。O さん、 S さん、連れて行ってくださったお寿司屋さんのことを思い出しています。早く日本に行って、美味しいお寿司とギンギンに冷えたビールが飲みたいなぁ。

March 20th, 7 a.m. Japan Time, Day 24, Weather: Clear

15.7 N 159W, East 8 meter wind, Wave hight: 2 meter

Course: 281°, Boat speed: 6 kts.

[ No Sushi in the middle of ocean ]

I did not get enough sleep last night… with 5 meter waves and 30 kts. winds.

We had a little issue with the mainsail system while we were trying to adjust it, but all sorted out now.

The Pacific Ocean is BIG that we never saw any boats past three weeks, but we finally came across a tanker early morning yesterday. Again, the ocean is so big.

Heard about tuna fishing boats go close the equator. Maybe, nice tuna are underneath the boat… I am craving for sushi now! Am thinking about the sushi restaurant I went with my friends. Looking forward to having some delicious sushi and nice cold beer.

One thought on “Hiro’s Journal / ヒロ日記より 03.20.2019, Day 24

  1. Sushi underneath the boat! Put down a line, and keep busier. Fresh, if caught.

    I see your track is almost directly towards Johnston Island. Once a little kid on vacation in Hawaii, I saw an atomic test above the little Island. It was unforgettable – lit up the whole sky from Oahu. It also caused considerable damage to the region of Earth above the atmosphere. Just an air strip on the little island now, a reef around. Are you going past, and how far away?

    Good luck on the rest of your trip!



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